The past couple weeks have felt busier than normal. My Mom came to visit last week and then we all went to see Keke' graduate Harding University in Searcy, AR. As you can see in the picture below Jackson does not like lots of noise and crowds. The clapping and cheering at the end of the graduation ceremony really got to him.

Sitting in the bleachers at Keke's graduation.

My Mom and I before one of our shopping trips.

Eating out at PF Changs one night.

Jackson's wild hair.
What great pics! I can't believe how big Jackson is getting! I love the crawling video. Robbie looks like he is just starting to think about it, but who knows how long it will take to get there! BTW - I can see where the girls in your family get their good looks . . . your mom is gorgeous!
Fun Stuff! I've been thinking about you lately, it looks like you have been busy. Congratulations to Keke and your Mom looks so beautiful. We should talk soon! Love you!
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